Welcome to the Goose Run!Goose Run is a fair launch platform that ensures equal access to new coins: no pre-sales, no investor allocations, no middle-men. Swap fees get cycled back into the platform through vote directing and fee raffles.Launching a new coin is simple and fun:
Choose a name, ticker, and symbol for your new coin.
Hatch your coin! 1 billion coins will be deployed to a new pool using a ramp distribution that gradually increases price as coins are sold.
Now you and your frens can buy coins from the pool. All liquidity stays in the launch pool, ensuring fair access and pricing for coins.
Compete with other coins to level up your coin and help it climb to the top of Goose Run's leaderboard!
What makes Goose Run different?Goose Run boasts a gaggle of exciting features that set it apart from other fairlaunch protocols:
Fees for coin creators.A portion of the fees from every launch pool flow back to the coin creator, rewarding them for their role in hatching the coin and building a community around it.
Swap Fee Raffles.Earn keys by buying and selling coins on Goose Run. Every key lets you open a lootbox. Each lootbox contains a coin reward!
Coken voting.Use veMAV to vote for your favorite coins! Voters receive a share of the fees from the coin they vote for.
Referral fees.Share a referral link with your frens to earn a small reward from every swap they make on Goose Run.
Coin lending.Goose Run includes a native borrowing mechanism which lets you use coins you've bought as collateral to borrow quote coins from their pool. This makes it easy to do recursive borrowing from any pool while keeping the pool itself solvent.
Every coin has a floor price.Since all liquidity stays in the launch pool, the price of a coin can never drop below its initial price. In fact, the floor price can actually go up as a result of coin voting!
Customize the distribution of coins in the launch pool.Choose from six distributions, from the default steep exponential curve to a completely flat distribution.
How does a coin get to the top of the leaderboard?Ranking on the leaderboard is based on buying and selling activity. Essentially, the more trading volume a coin has, the higher its placement on the leaderboard.
What happens to the coin at the top of the leaderboard?Besides the social benefits from appearing as the most popular coin on the platform, the top coin pool is also used as the source of coins for swap fee raffles. This means the protocol will buy more coins from the pool to distribute to loot boxes, creating more buy pressure for the coin.
What does a coin get from voting?On the basis of votes received, MAV emissions will be sent to each coin pool and used to buy and then burn coins from that pool. Burning coins will cause the floor price of the coin to rise.
Nice! How does this buy and burn feature work?After a voting period is over, MAV is emitted to the coin pool. Then, anyone can initiate the buy and burn process using the Juice tab on the coin's pool page. Whoever initiates the buy and burn process will also receive a lootbox-first come, first served!
How often can I vote?Every voting period lasts 3.5 days. You can vote once in every voting period.